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Medical Data De-identification Solutions

Automatically make structured and unstructured data, documents, PDFs, and images anonymous. We comply with HIPAA, GDPR, or any specific needs you have.

Data De-identification & Anonymization Solutions

Data de-identification and anonymization remove identifiable details like names or social security numbers from medical records using Insights AIs proprietary APIs, that can accurately anonymize sensitive data. We use HIPAA processes, including expert determination and safe harbor, to alter, hide, or remove sensitive information.

Protected Health Information (PHI)

PHI de-identification or anonymization removes identifiable details from medical records. This includes info created, used, or disclosed during medical services like diagnosis or treatment. PHI encompasses data that can contact, find, or identify someone. Some HIPAA identifiers that can point to a person include:

  • Names
  • Addresses/locations
  • Dates and ages
  • Telephone numbers
  • Vehicle serial numbers, including license plate nos
  • Fax numbers
  • Device identifiers and serial numbers
  • Email addresses
  • Web Universal Resource Locators (URLs)
  • Social security numbers
  • Internet Protocol (IP) addresses
  • Medical record numbers
  • Biometric identifiers, including finger & voice prints
  • Health plan beneficiary numbers
  • Full-face photographs
  • Account numbers
  • Certificate/license numbers
  • Any unique identifying number, characteristic, or code:
    • Medical images, records, health plan beneficiary, certificate, social security, and account nos
    • Past, present, or future health or condition of an individual
    • Past, present, or future payment for the provision of healthcare to an individual
    • Every date linked directly to a person, such as date of birth, discharge date, date of death

HIPAA Expert Determination

Healthcare organizations aim to innovate and expand while protecting health data privacy. The HIPAA Expert Determination method helps balance data benefits with privacy needs. Our services assist organizations, regardless of size, in complying with HIPAA standards. This reduces legal, financial, and reputational risks to improve healthcare services and outcomes.


Insights AI APIs offer real-time, on-demand access to necessary records. We provide your team with quick and scalable access to anonymized, quality medical data for accurate AI project completion.

De-Identification API

Patient data plays a crucial role in crafting top-notch healthcare AI initiatives. Equally crucial is safeguarding this data to avert breaches. Insights AI stands out for its expertise in making personal health information (PHI) untraceable through data de-identification, masking, and anonymization.

Our methods include:

  1. Make sensitive data for PHI, PII, and PCI unidentifiable.
  2. Ensure compliance with HIPAA and Safe Harbor guidelines.
  3. Remove all 18 identifiers according to these standards.
Annotation Service
Other (Customization request)
Document format
Text documents
Scanned PDFs
Type of de-identification
Data Anonymization/ Masking
Data Pseudonymization / Tokenization
End-to-end-service (API + HITL)
De-Identification API

Key Features of Data De-identification

Human Oversight & Quality Control

World-class data accuracy with comprehensive quality checks & expert involvement.

Advanced Anonymization Platform

Ensures data integrity through rigorous anonymization across global systems.

Robust Data

Superior security measures to maintain data policies & integrity.

Extensive De-Identification Capability

Extensive de-identification capability ensures robust removal of personal information, enhancing privacy and compliance. It anonymizes data while preserving its utility.

Reliable Service & Timely Delivery

Reliable service and timely delivery ensure efficient and dependable data de-identification, meeting privacy needs promptly.

Scalable Anonymization Solutions

Scalable anonymization solutions provide effective data de-identification that grows with your needs, ensuring privacy and compliance.

De-identification Data in Action

PII/PHI Redaction in action

PII/PHI Redaction in action

Our Healthcare API anonymizes medical texts and masks PHI. It also de-identifies structured medical records and PII/PHI, all in compliance with HIPAA regulations.

De-identify structured medical records

De-identify Personal Identifiable Information (PII) Patient Health Information (PHI) from medical records, while complying with HIPAA regulations.

De-identify Structured Medical Records

PII De-identification

Our PII deidentification capabilities include removal of sensitive information such as names, dates and age that may directly or indirectly connect an individual to their personal data.

PII De-identification
PHI De-identification

PHI De-identification

Our PHI deidentification capabilities include removal of sensitive information such as MRN No., Date of Admission that may directly or indirectly connect an individual to their personal data. Its what patients deserve and HIPAA demands.

De-identification of Sensitive Information

Advanced models such as OCR, NLP, and Computer Vision, together can classify documents and images, including DICOM files, to pinpoint and redact personal identifiers, ensuring privacy and compliance with regulations.

Secure PDF De-identification

Our service anonymizes PDFs to comply with HIPAA and GDPR. We aim to protect sensitive information while maintaining privacy and legal standards.

Secure PDF De-identification